
Agritungo MIS

Agritungo is a cloud-based Farm Management Information System designed to empower farmer cooperatives and improve farmers' livelihoods by enhancing productivity and creditworthiness. The system enables cooperatives to effectively manage their farmers' profiles, track milk deliveries, record sales data, and facilitate real-time data sharing. Agritungo also serves as a platform for financial institutions to assess farmers' creditworthiness and provide loans.

System Components

Agritungo follows a client-server architecture with cloud-based storage and mobile applications for agents and farmers. The system consists of the following components:

Web Application

The web-based interface allows cooperative users to manage farmer profiles, milk deliveries, sales records, and financial transactions. It provides real-time access to aggregated data and reporting features.

Mobile App (Agents)

Agents are equipped with a mobile application to enroll farmers, record milk deliveries, collect data, and record sales information. The app synchronizes data with the cloud-based system in real time.

Mobile App (Farmers)

Farmers have access to a simplified mobile application that allows them to view their profile, receive notifications, and access relevant information and services provided by the cooperative.

Key Features

  • User Registration and Authentication

    • Account creation with email verification.
    • Role-based access control for cooperatives, agents, and farmers.
  • Cooperative Management

    • Profile setup for cooperatives including contact details and credit criteria.
    • Financial parameter configuration: payment terms, loan terms, and repayment schedules.
  • Agent Management

    • Agent assignment to specific regions or groups.
    • Mobile app provisioning for data collection and synchronization.
  • Farmer Enrollment

    • Mobile app-based enrollment by agents.
    • Comprehensive farmer profiling: name, contact details, location, farm size, and cooperative membership.
  • Milk Delivery Recording

    • Real-time recording of milk deliveries via mobile app.
    • Quality and quantity assessment of delivered milk.
    • Immediate data synchronization with the cloud system.
  • Data Collection and Monitoring

    • Periodic data collection on milk production, herd health, and farming challenges.
    • Continuous updates and real-time synchronization.
  • Sales Management

    • Recording of milk sales transactions to processors.
    • Detailed sales data management including quantities and financial transactions.
  • Payment Processing and Notifications

    • Automated payment calculations based on milk delivery data.
    • Integration with various payment methods (mobile money, bank transfers).
    • Notifications for farmers regarding deliveries and payments.
  • Credit Assessment and Input Allocation

    • Evaluation of farmers’ productivity and creditworthiness.
    • Determination and distribution of agricultural inputs based on credit assessment.
    • Accurate record maintenance of input distribution.
  • Financial Institution Integration

    • Access for financial institutions to review farmers’ productivity and creditworthiness.
    • Support for informed lending decisions based on comprehensive data.
  • Group and Cooperative Integration

    • Organization of farmers into groups or cooperatives.
    • Management of group-specific data and activities by group leaders or cooperative representatives.
    • Support for cooperative savings schemes.
  • Reporting and Analytics

    • Generation of detailed reports on key performance indicators: productivity, milk deliveries, sales, loan repayment status.
    • Advanced analytics tools for data-driven decision-making and operational optimization.
  • Support and Assistance

    • Multi-channel user support (email, phone, in-app chat).
    • In-app comprehensive documentation, user guides, and FAQs for reference.
  • Real-Time Data Sharing

    • Immediate synchronization of data collected by agents with the cloud-based system.
    • Real-time access for cooperatives to updated farmer profiles, milk deliveries, and sales records.